Iyer Mahalaxmi et al. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111643
Recopilado por Carlos Cabrera Lozada. Director del postgrado de Medicina Materno Fetal. Universidad Central de Venezuela. ORCID: 0000-0002-3133-5183. 19/08/2021
The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) still remains on an upsurge trend. The second wave of this disease has led to panic in many countries, including India and some parts of the world suffering from the third wave. As there are no proper treatment options or remedies available for this deadly infection, supportive care equipment’s such as oxygen cylinders, ventilators and heavy use of steroids play a vital role in the management of COVID-19. In the midst of this pandemic, the COVID-19 patients are acquiring secondary infections such as mucormycosis also known as black fungus disease. Mucormycosis is a serious, but rare opportunistic fungal infection that spreads rapidly, and hence prompt diagnosis and treatment are necessary to avoid high rate of mortality and morbidity rates. Mucormycosis is caused by the inhalation of its filamentous (hyphal form) fungi especially in the patients who are immunosuppressed. Recent studies have documented alarming number of COVID-19 patients with mucormycosis infection. Most of these patients had diabetes and were administered steroids for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and were consequently more prone to mucormycosis. Hence, the present review emphasizes mucormycosis and its related conditions, its mechanism in normal and COVID-19 affected individuals, influencing factors and challenges to overcome this black mold infection. Early identification and further investigation of this fungus will significantly reduce the severity of the disease and mortality rate in COVID-19 affected patients.
Keywords: COVID-19, Mucormycosis, Organ damage, Diabetes, Immunosuppression, Steroids, Environmental pollution