Comisiones Científicas para el bienio 2020-2022
Innovative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology II. Introduction to the Supplement. Lorena Cudris-Torres, Nidia-Johana Bonilla-Cruz, Manuel E Riaño-Garzón
When analyzing Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology from their coincidences, differences, and meeting points, it is important to establish distinctions at a conceptual and pragmatic level. Therefore, Health Psychology is oriented toward cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes related to physical health/illnesses, worrying about their care, and recognizing that physical and mental health are related; On the other hand, Clinical Psychology emphasizes the evaluation, prediction, and relief of psychological affectations of a cognitive, emotional and behavioral nature. Given that both fields interact and complement each other, generating synergies, the dissipation of differences could be proposed to consider a common area that ends up being called “Clinical and Health Psychology”, which contributes to the sum of the fields, generating pragmatic and considerable methodological.
Aggression and violence in adolescents in the Iberoamerican context, a systematic review. José Julián Javela, Brahian Naranjo-Niño, Diana J. Ospina-Sánchez, Marly Johana Bahamón, Mavenka Cuesta-Guzmán, Milgen Sánchez-Villegas, Herman Moreno-Londoño
This research is a systematic review that uses the Prism method, searching different databases to systematically analyze studies related to aggression and violence in adolescents in Iberoamerica. Objective: The present study aims to systematically analyze studies related to aggression and violence in adolescents in Iberoamerica. Method: Research works were collected from a total of 5 databases. For the selection of the articles, keywords or search terms were entered, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. After the complete reading, a total of 47 research studies were selected.
Relationship between feeding development and alterations in orofacial motor skills. María De La Rosa-Balseiro, Duván Montes-Rojanos, Brenda Contreras-Acosta, Víctor Caicedo-Téllez, Ginna Pérez-Reyes, Sandra-Milena Carrillo-Sierra, Diego Rivera-Porras
Introduction: The orofacial system is an anatomical-functional unit that enables the human being to perform various functions essential for life. It consists of oral structures, static and dynamic structures, and its harmonious functioning is based on the balanced relationship between its parts. Method: A systematic review was carried out to find out the relationship between feeding development and orofacial motor disturbances. As a search strategy, equations were formulated with selected descriptors MESH and DECS (“feeding, infancy”, “orofacial motricity”, “phonoaudiology”, “pediatrics”), the databases consulted were Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo, Proquest, World wide science, Biomed Central, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, Semantic Scholar, Revista Javeriana.
Differences in the levels of adaptation, social support and family functionality according to the sex, age and school grade of children and adolescents affected by winter in Sucre, Colombia. Liliana Meza Cueto, Jorge Palacio Sañudo, Jorge Navarro Obeid, María Laura Vergara Álvarez, Daymar Navarro Villamizar
Objective: The study aimed to establish the differences in the levels of adaptation, social support, and perceived family functionality according to sex, age, and school grade of a sample of 160 children and adolescents affected by floods in the Mojana sub-region of the Department of Sucre, Colombia.
Brain training with neurofeedback in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a review study. Katy Estela Arroyo-Alvis, Ricardo Francisco Allegri, Ernesto Alejandro Barcelo Martinez
Objective: The study aimed to review the efficacy of Neurofeedback training in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Method: Review in scientific databases Science Direct, Web of Science (WoS)-ISI of Thompson Reuters-, Scopus, and PubMed. Taking as reference key terms in the English language: “mild cognitive impairment”, “mild cognitive decline”, “Neurofeedback”, “Brain ware”, and “EEG feedback.
Hypertension, emotions and happiness: A brief view from the biology to the positive psychology. María Bautista-Sandoval, Maricarmen Chacín, Yudy Chaparro-Suárez, Manuel E Riaño-Garzón, Edgar Alexis Díaz-Camargo, Pablo Duran, Heliana Parra, Ana Castro, Manuel Nava, Oscar Medina Ortiz, Luis D’Marco, Edward Rojas, Valmore Bermúdez
High blood pressure (HBP) is a silent disease with an extremely high prevalence worldwide. It is considered the leading risk factor for cardiovascular (CVD) and neurovascular disorders. The etiology of hypertension is based on various genetic, environmental, and social factors. Currently, compelling evidence points to the link between HBP and certain psycho-emotional factors, such as mental stability, happiness, general well-being, and fulfillment, all consistently associated with better physical and psychological health.
Mental health intervention program during the COVID-19 for Mexican adults. Mariel B Briceño Rodríguez, Raúl A Gutiérrez-García
Introduction: The current pandemic caused by COVID-19 is a public health emergency with serious economic, educational, and social consequences. Its consequences are not only manifested in physical aspects, it is increasingly evident that this crisis is producing alterations in the mental health of the population, which is why it is of utmost importance to analyze the repercussions that COVID-19 could cause on mental health and the measures for its prevention and control, as well as the strategies to favor it.
Psychological distress and economic consumerism among emerging adults in Mexico. Estefanía Díaz Sánchez, Raúl A Gutiérrez-García
Introduction: The emerging adult has a high prevalence to psychological distress as this encompasses clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression disorders. They are also more prone to economic consumerism, which involves social and psychological issues. Purpose: To determine to what extent the level of psychological distress is related to the level of consumerism in emerging adults in Salamanca Guanajuato, in order to find a possible new risk factor in the mental health of this population, to generate new lines of action.
Anxiety and depression in psychology students: A study of the Bajío region of Mexico. Erick Hidalgo Espinoza, Raúl A Gutiérrez-García
Introduction: The mental health of university students is important because they are those who in the future will represent a professional population and in this case those who will take care of the mental health of the population. For this reason, it is relevant to know the symptoms and prevalence that they have throughout the academic training process.
Association of depression and healthy behaviors in early adult Mexicans. Claudia L Andrade-García, Raúl A Gutiérrez-García
Introduction: Depressive disorders are the major cause of mental care worldwide, understanding their origin is of utmost importance to establish better diagnostic and intervention strategies, for positive short- and long-term outcomes. Aim: To establish the relationship between healthy behaviors and the level of depression in early adults by applying two assessment instruments: the Beck Depression Scale and the Fantastic Test to determine if there is a correlation between the two.
Psychometric properties of the questionnaire of educational inclusion (CIE) for university contexts. Sandra-Milena Carrillo-Sierra, Eliana María Ramírez-Ramírez, Angélica Silvana Sanabria-Medina, Jesús Forgiony-Santos, Diego Rivera-Porras
This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Educational Inclusion (CIE) for University Contexts, applied to a sample of 171 university professors, stratified random sampling with proportional allocation. The CIE questionnaire’s factorial structure, reliability, and validity were evaluated. The 4-factor model, including four scales Attitudes, Knowledge, Practice, and Context were tested by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The scale shows adequate psychometric properties, the CFA presents the goodness of fit indices (NFI=0.95; CFI=0.95 IFI= 0.90; MFI=0.80).
Typological characterization of child sexual abusers from court records. Eva Sandrith Pérez Barreto, Isaura Del Carmen Alemán Ortega, Gabriela Irina Cancio Mozo, Leslie Yuliet Bravo García, Mónica Isabel Herazo Chamorro, Patricia María Mendivil Hernández
Objective: To characterize the typologies of child sexual abusers based on judicial files registered in a center of attention to victims of sexual abuse in Sincelejo. Method: Quantitative with a descriptive scope, as an instrument an analysis guide validated by experts was used to analyze the 112 judicial files registered between 2016-2020 in the center.
Psychosocial risk factors associated with suicide in youth and adolescents: A systematic review. Leidy-Mayerli Gelvez-Gafaro, Dary-Mayerlly Medina-Duarte, Indira-Paola Villa-Belluci, Rivera-Porras, Diego, Nidia-Johanna Bonilla-Cruz
The phenomenon of suicide is a worldwide problem that has been increasing in the last decade with greater prevalence in the adolescent and young population, generating impact in different contexts such as family, social, economic, and educational, among others. That is why this systematic review focuses on identifying psychosocial factors associated with suicidal behavior in adolescents and young people, in publications published worldwide. This will allow us to recognize within these studies the coincidence of different aspects, within which the following psychosocial factors are highlighted: family, exposure to various forms of violence, risk behaviors, psychopathology, and negative emotional states.
Analysis of web accessibility to Colombian universities under the guidelines proposed by WCAG 2.1. Jorge Armando Niño-Vega, Mónica Tatiana Giraldo-Cardona, Flavio Humberto Fernández-Morales
This article reports the results of a study that aimed to analyze the level of accessibility of the websites of Colombian universities under the accessibility guidelines for web content, WCAG 2.1. The web portals of 11 universities categorized in the Q1 and Q2 quartiles of the U-sapiens 2020-1 Ranking were analyzed. The results show that no university met all the success criteria, and the most accessible only reached 71.79 % of them. No relationship was found between the accessibility of web pages and the ranking of universities in the U-Sapiens 2020-1 ranking. This indicates that the websites of the universities studied are not fully accessible. Although there are regulations that promote web inclusion for all people, regardless of their disability status, it is necessary to promote educational campaigns that teach and motivate designers, digital content creators, and programmers to consider when developing websites.
Resilience and mediation: mechanisms to resolve family conflicts in times of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Vivian Vanessa Arenas-Villamizar, Reyna Lizeth Vázquez- Gutiérrez, Neida Albornoz-Arias
The article analyzes the importance of resilience and the usefulness of family mediation as an effective method of family conflict resolution in times of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. To meet the objective, an exploratory descriptive analysis was conducted comparing the official figures of complaints of domestic violence published by the National Police of Colombia during the years 2019 and 2020, in the period from January to February and those occurring after March 11, 2020, the date on which the World Health Organization (WHO), classified the epidemic outbreak 0of SARS-CoV-2 as a pandemic and in coherence with the mandatory preventive isolation in the country.
Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and sexual practices among young university students in the city of Cucuta. José María Rincón Ramón, Carlos Arturo Gutiérrez Suárez, Karla-Dayana Cordero-Galindo
In Colombia, young people are part of the population group that is most at risk regarding their sexual health and the knowledge associated with this component, which is why we chose to describe the sexual practices and the knowledge they have regarding HIV and other STIs, consolidating an approach to undergraduate students of an HEI in northeastern Colombia from a quantitative perspective with a non-experimental design, descriptive and cross-sectional scope.
Psychological effects associated with preventive isolation by COVID-19 in early childhood in Colombia. Lesby Johanna Lora Carrillo, Deicy Villalba Rey, Beatriz Elena Guerra Sierra, Pedro Luis Medina
Background: There are enough documented records worldwide to date on the number of infections and deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is foreseeable that there will be a worsening of psychological health in the entire population, however, there are few studies that have addressed the emotional and psychological effects that preventive isolation has caused in Colombia in early childhood so the objective of this study was to know these effects through a survey carried out with caregivers of children in Colombia from different social strata.
Systematic literature review: Mental health promotion in organizations during the pandemic by COVID-19. Luz Karime Hernández Villadiego, Melany Loreiny Molina Pérez, Adriana Cristina Acosta Ramos, Irina Liceth Palacios Paternina
It is essential to review the working conditions of the organizations and the risk factors that arose in the midst of the pandemic and that generated repercussions on the mental health of the collaborators, highlighting the strategies or protective factors that were used to reduce them. Objective: To characterize the strategies and programs implemented by different organizations as mental health promotion responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Perspectives and assessment of psychosocial risk in Latin America: A systemic review of the literature. Irina Liceth Palacios Paternina, Melany Lorainy Molina Pérez, Luz Karime Hernández Villadiego, Margaret Arzuaga Mendoza
The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the perspectives and evaluations of psychosocial risk in Latin America. The reviews of the articles were carried out independently complying with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 were the articles that met the inclusion, criteria analyzed by the 8 dimensions, and in these studies, it was observed that the qualitative approach predominated, with non-experimental and cross-sectional design with descriptive scope, these searches were carried out through the Web of Science (WOS), Scopus and ProQuest databases. The results showed that psychosocial risk factors are related to social class and can be used as tools to propose interventions to reduce inequalities in health, socioeconomic status, and gender. The importance of research associated with the development of strategies for the prevention and promotion of psychosocial risk factors is discussed.
Effects of COVID -19 on women’s mental health: A systematic review. Yanis Eliana Ramírez Vera, Helaine Yizzel Navarro Chaya, Diana Carolina Ortiz Cáceres
Women are part of the first line of care not only in the healthcare field but also in the care economy, which is why they tend to be more susceptible to distress due to infection amid a pandemic, triggering mental health consequences that could extend into the long term, even after the end of the pandemic. To present findings on the mental health effects on women during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, a systematic review is presented that shows an increase in symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress in women, as well as problems of insomnia and stress in female healthcare professionals due to direct contact with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Psychological well-being and everyday activities in rural and urban teachers in North of Santander during the COVID-19 pandemic. Angélica María Ramos Montejo, Nancy Yolima Fonseca, Sara Rosa Pérez De La Cruz, Edgar Díaz-Camargo
This research review shows how isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic has affected daily activities such as quality of sleep, physical activity, and work life. This review exercise is developed to provide information that will help different professionals to point out the psychological impact and possible changes presented in the daily activities of people during confinement. Sleep hygiene and quality of sleep were affected due to factors such as age – young, sex – female, history of mental illness, insomnia, anxiety, depression, psychological distress, low back pain, and stress.
Anxiety, sleep quality and stress in college students during the COVID-19 confinement. Elizabeth Castro Jurado, Diana Sunce Puentes, Edgar Augusto Suárez Arenas, Diana Patiño Guerrero, Luis Carlos Ruiz-Domínguez
Confinement by COVID-19 impacted the physical, mental and psychological health of the Colombian population and other countries, increasing the rates of stress, anxiety, and insomnia, which is an alert to mental health professionals. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the impact of confinement due to COVID-19 on the quality of sleep, anxiety, and stress in young people, with the main objective of observing the relevant changes perceived in the population as well as significant aspects in mental health that may affect the population, through a review of the literature associated with the problem posed and analysis of variables in them, from different scientific sources.
Conceptualizations of the migration phenomenon and its contribution to psychology. Heidy Guzmán, Erika Lara-Posada
The purpose of this article is to reflect on the conceptualizations that arise from the migratory phenomenon and its psychological contribution, starting from the ideas of classical authors, who approach the theoretical approaches to the subject, as well as the contribution of psychology to the migratory phenomenon. It also compiles current information from authors who highlight the need to pay attention both to the existing theoretical work and to the immigrant’s experiences. The reflection was made based on 27 articles that gather the theoretical and psychological aspects of the subject, from a tour of classical authors in the databases of Dialnet, Scielo, and PubMed.
Obesity and depression: A molecular and epidemiological view of two comorbid disorders. María Gabriela Vizhñay Guzmán, Manuel Ernesto Riaño Garzón, Rina Elizabeth Ortiz Benavides
Currently, depression and obesity are chronic disorders considered public health problems because of their association with functional impairment, ominous healthcare costs, and increased morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. However, based on the high prevalence of both pathologies, a possible relationship between obesity and depression has been presumed and studied in recent years, demonstrated through observational epidemiological studies and meta-analyses, positioning them as commonly comorbid chronic diseases.
Psychological well-being and suicide orientation in teachers in Norte de Santander during COVID -19 confinement. Nidia-Johanna Bonilla-Cruz, Herminson Orlando Moncada, Jesús David Latorre Yáñez, Hellen Dayana Gómez Torres, Jorge Armando Niño-Vega
The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between psychological well-being and suicidal orientation in teachers from Norte de Santander during the COVID-19 confinement, implementing a methodology with a positivist approach, a non-experimental design of cross-sectional correlational scope, with a sample of 86 teachers from Norte de Santander. The findings obtained correspond to the identification of psychological well-being and the evaluation of suicidal orientation. Finally, the respective correlation between the variables was carried out. In conclusion, it is possible to determine that the population studied does not present anomalies in psychological well-being and suicidal orientation, taking into account the unforeseen change due to the confinement of COVID-19 and the new workload assignments.
The pharmacological treatment of obesity: A historical perspective. Andrea Verónica García Pacheco, Carlos Eduardo Arévalo Peláez, Rina Elizabeth Ortiz Benavides
Obesity is a highly prevalent disease associated with several metabolic pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, hepatic steatosis, and different types of cancer. However, since 1933, when the first pharmacological treatments for obesity appeared, their effectiveness and safety have been questioned, leading to the withdrawal of several drugs from the market. Currently, five drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are still in use for obesity control, of which GLP-1 analogs have demonstrated a better safety profile and moderate efficacy in reducing body weight. This literature review presents a historical analysis of anti-obesity drugs, focusing on their efficacy and adverse effects.
Psychological factors of gender dysphoria in adolescents: A systematic review. Nubia Hernández-Flórez, Álvaro Lhoeste-Charris, Isneila Martínez-Gómez, Victoria Eugenia González-Martelo, María José Orozco Santander,José Darío Arguello-Rueda
The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in gender dysphoria in adolescents, due to the importance of approaching psychological clinical practice through intervention strategies. Method: A systematic review was carried out through digital searches in scientific databases such as ProQuest, Elsevier, and PubMed, by structuring a bibliometric type design, the collection of information was based on three crossings in the three databases. selected, including the primary studies and extracting the data to later be interpreted.
“Virtual” education in confinement: An iceberg to study. Ingrid Selene Torres-Rojas, Efraín Muñoz-Galíndez, Gloria Milena Escobar-Gutiérrez
This article shows the results of a study that consists of analyzing the real-life stories of teachers at different educational levels, which express the challenges experienced in their work during confinement. The methodology is qualitative in nature, the autobiography method is used, and the stories collected are analyzed and categorized by means of grounded theory. “Finally, the results obtained lead to delving into the subjectivities that are rarely visible in educational processes, and they are presented in a selective category named “Virtual Education” “in confinement, with three axials to support it: I) From Face-to-face.” education to Virtuality or Pseudovirtuality, II) Reality and Context, III) The family as a central axis in educational processes.
A theoretical approach to early childhood education and its relation to the emotional development in early childhood. Gloria Milena Escobar-Gutiérrez, Ingrid Selene Torres-Rojas, Efraín Muñoz-Galíndez
This research is the result of a doctoral thesis in Education Sciences, to conduct a documentary review on child and emotional development, based on the selection of scientific documents at an international and national level (Colombia) that address this topic. The methodology is qualitative documentary analysis, using a comparative matrix that contains information from the processing and searches for standards, studies, and research into 2016 or 2021 in academic and indexed databases (Scopus, Dialnet, Google Academic, and Scielo). The findings show a central category “Early childhood education and its relationship with emotional development”, supported by two subcategories “the family as an influence on child development” and “emotional development”, which emerge from the analysis of 52 academic documents.
Development of an M-Learning application for early childhood education in emotional consciousness. Ingrid Selene Torres-Rojas, Yuli Sidney Garcés-Bolaños, Daniel Antonio León Blanco
Mobile Learning (M-Learning) is an educational innovation strategy with the potential to contribute to the development of emotional awareness competencies in early childhood. For this reason, an application prototype was built with gamification elements aimed at preschool students, in four vulnerable educational contexts in the city of Popayan (Colombia). The design methodology followed an iterative process in four phases – Analysis, Design, Testing, and Delivery – and resulted in the validation of the visual design of the application by the end users, as well as a registration of the software. Additionally, the validation tests allowed us to conclude that the application in development facilitates the reflection, recognition, and management of their own emotions for infants.