Comisiones Científicas para el bienio 2020-2022
Innovative Research in Medicine and Health Sciences to Responses the Health Challenges. Ferry Efendi
Global health challenges continue to evolve and will rise to various emergent health problems facing all populations. World Health Organization (WHO) stated that there were ten causes of death worldwide in 2020 that were associated with three broad topics: cardiovascular (ischaemic heart disease, stroke), respiratory (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower respiratory infections), and neonatal conditions– which include birth asphyxia and birth trauma, neonatal sepsis and illnesses, and preterm birth complications. Furthermore, since the emergence of COVID-19 in late 2019, it has had a severe impact on all aspects of health worldwide. In 2022, the world is preparing for COVID-19 to become an endemic disease because of the spread of the disease, and the number of infection cases
Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma of the Ovary: A Rare Case Report and Literature Review. Nurwiyeni Nurwiyeni, Tofrizal Tofrizal, Meta Zulyati Oktora
Solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma is an uncommon vascular lesion with pericyte differentiation. It can occur anywhere in the body. Most of the lesions are benign but the behavior is unpredictable. This study aimed to describe the presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of solitary fibrous tumors with a review of the literature. The difficulty of making an accurate diagnosis is highlighted. This is a case report of a 30-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain.
Immature Teratoma Ovarium in Young Women: Two Case Reports and Literature Reviews. Ni Putu Ekawati, I Wayan Juli Sumadi, Ni Made Mahastuti, I Made Wirya Santosa
Immature teratoma is teratoma that contains several variations of immature tissue, including primitive forms and embryoid bodies. This type of neoplasm is rare, accounting for less than 1% of all ovarian tumors and 20% of malignant germ cell tumors in the ovarium. The incidence occurs in young women usually in the first two decades of life and rarely occurs in postmenopausal women.
Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report. I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dewi, I Made Wirya Sastra, Herman Saputra, Ni Putu Ekawati
Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) is a follicular cells neoplasm that shows limited follicular cell differentiation which is morphologically and behaviorally intermediate between differentiated carcinoma (follicular or papillary) and anaplastic carcinoma. Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma is rarely ranging from 0.3% to 6.7% of all thyroid cancers. These tumors are aggressive and often lethal and have a rapid and fatal outcome despite appropriate treatment.
Ameboma of the Ascending Colon. Lily Lucia Loho, Feronika Durry Meilany, Leopold Jim Edwin
Ameboma is a rare complication of the amebic colon. It is a tumor-like mass of granulation tissue and the diagnosis rests upon the demonstration of E. histolytica in the section obtained by biopsy. Ameboma of the colon occurs rarely and can present as a mass lesion simulating colonic cancer. We report a case of a 61-year-old woman presenting with abdominal pain and vomiting. On clinical and radiological examination, the diagnosis was ascending colon carcinoma.
Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Cervix in a 48-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report. Fadhilaturrahmi Fadhilaturrahmi, Lidya Imelda Laksmi
Adenosquamous carcinoma of the cervix is a rare form of cervical cancer, representing approximately 4 % of all cervical carcinomas. The mean age when the tumor develops is 57 years, although in individual cases it may occur in young women. The reported case is of a 48-year-old woman, with histopathological findings of the tumor mass in the cervix, which is lined by squamous epithelium with a pleomorphic nucleus, enlarged, rough chromatin, some of the nucleolus being prominent eosinophilic cytoplasm.
Secretory Carcinoma of the Breast in a 24-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report. Fadhilaturrahmi Fadhilaturrahmi, Delyuzar Delyuzar
Secretory carcinoma of the breast is a rare invasive carcinoma. This carcinoma shows more aggressive symptoms in older patients. In a reported case of a 24-year-old woman with a mass in her right breast, the histopathologic features consisted of tumor cell proliferation and most of it came in tubular and microcystic structures. The cell nuclei enlarged into a round and oval shape. The chromatin was coarse and came with some protuberant nucleus, foamy, and slightly granular eosinophilic cytoplasm.
Type-A Thymoma in a 56-Year-Old Male: A Case Report. I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dewi, Ivana Juliarty Sitanggang, Anak Agung Ayu Ngurah Susraini, Ni Wayan Winarti
Thymoma is the epithelial neoplasm of the thymus gland that is most commonly found in the anterior mediastinum in individuals aged in the fourth to the sixth decades. Its incidence is approximately 2.5 cases per 1 million people/year with a cure rate of 100%. This case is interesting enough to be discussed because it is a very rare incidence and the case has a typical histopathological feature. This case report presents a 56-year-old man with complaints of cough and lower right chest pain. CT – Scan examination showed a solid tumor with central necrotic in the inferior lobe of the right lung.
Endometrial Clear Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report. I Gusti Ayu Sri Mahendra Dewi, Ni Kadek Ayu Maya Damayanti, Ni Putu Ekawati, Luh Putu Iin Indrayani Maker
Clear cell carcinoma is a rare type of endometrial carcinoma with aggressive behavior and the worst prognosis compared to other types of endometrial carcinoma. This carcinoma is more common in women with exposure to secondhand smoke. This study aims to report a case of endometrial clear cell carcinoma in a 47-year-old female patient with chief complaints being vaginal bleeding for a month with decreased body weight.
Mucinous Adenocarcinoma (Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma) of the Urinary Bladder in Young Male: A Case Report. Ni Wayan Winarti, Tjandra Kristiana, Ni Putu Sriwidyani, I Wayan Juli Sumadi
Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder is a rare malignancy and accounts for less than 2 % of all malignant urinary bladder tumors. This malignancy occurs more commonly in males, with a peak incidence in the sixth decade of life. Herein, we report a case of a 29-year-old male presenting with pain in the symphysis pubis, urinary frequency, and haematuria. Clinical, laboratory, and radiology findings lead to suspicion of urinary bladder malignancy with bilateral hydronephrosis and chronic kidney disease.
Association between Cytologic Features of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis and CD4 Levels. Delyuzar Delyuzar, Restuti Hidayani Saragih
HIV infection can reduce CD4 lymphocyte count, which may lead to opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis. Lymphadenopathy is usually caused by tuberculosis and shows various cytological features. This study aims to determine the association between cytology features of tuberculous lymphadenopathy and CD4 serum level in HIV patients. This analytical study involves HIV patients with lymphadenopathy in Medan. Cytology features are acquired from cytology examination and CD4 serum level.
Cut-off Point of Ki-67 Proliferation Marker in Differentiating Premalignant and Malignant Prostatic Lesions. Lidya Imelda Laksmi, Syafrudin Ilyas, Nurjati Chairany Siregar, Arlinda Sari Wahyunio
Immunohistochemistry Ki-67 is a marker of cell proliferation. Using immunohistochemical markers can be helpful to determine and diagnose prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and carcinoma prostate. There are many studies about Ki67 as a prognostic tool, a diagnostic tool, and a potential therapeutic target for cancer therapy, but there are no standard criteria to define the cut-off point for the value of Ki-67 in premalignant and malignant prostate lesions.
Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Appendix. Meilany Feronika Durry, Poppy Magdalena Lintong
Appendiceal Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) comprise rare tumors of the appendix, mainly affecting young populations and characterized by a rather favorable prognosis. Appendiceal NET is either asymptomatic or present as acute appendicitis, which is then diagnosed incidentally during surgery. We reported the case of a 9-year-old girl presenting with the common appendicitis symptoms of fever and abdominal pain.
Correlation of Her-2 Expression with Clinicopathological Characteristics in Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer Patients. Fitriani Lumongga, Esther Reny Deswani Sitorus, Juliandi Harahap
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world and a leading cause of death in women. This cancer is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in Indonesian women. This study aims to investigate the correlation of Her-2 expression with a clinicopathological profile in invasive ductal breast cancer. This study was retrospective in design. Histopathological diagnosis and immunohistochemical ER, PR, and Her2 from 95 patients with invasive ductal breast cancer were included during the period January 2017 to June 2018.
Clinicopathological Profile of Patients with Bladder Lesions in Sanglah Hospital during the Period 2013-2017. Ni Wayan Winarti, Luh Ayu Widayanti
Urinary bladder carcinoma is the ninth most common malignancy in the world. Various bladder lesions may show similar symptoms, so pathological examination is highly required to get a definitive diagnosis. This study aims to describe the clinicopathological features of patients with bladder lesions in Sanglah Hospital which can be used as baseline data for further research.
The Correlation between KRAS/NRAS Mutation Status and some Clinicopathologic Prognostic Factors of Colorectal Carcinoma. Loli Devianti, Salmiah Agus, Anbiar Manjas
There are several prognostic factors of clinico-pathologic colorectal carcinoma, including age, sex, tumour location, tumour size, histopathologic type, differentiation grade, depth of invasion, lymph node involvement, and KRAS / NRAS mutations status. This study aims to determine the correlation between KRAS / NRAS mutation status with some clinicopathologic prognostic factors. This research is an observational cross-sectional comparative study design using 24 samples.
Stem cell-like Subtypes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Betty Betty, Delyuzar Delyuzar
Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) are breast cancers with no expression of estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2). This study was done to identify stem cell-like subtypes in TNBC. This cross-sectional study was performed on breast cancer patients in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan from 2013 to 2016 by immunohistochemistry stained. Data about demographics were extracted from patients’ records and histopathologic features.
The Effect of Cigarette Smoke Exposure Time Difference on the Histopathological Images of Mice Lungs (Mus musculus). I Nyoman Sasputra, Herman Pieter Louis Wungouw, Wylie Medwin Lulan
An electric cigarette is a product that releases an aerosol containing nicotine to users by heating a liquid consisting of propylene glycol or glycerol (glycerine), nicotine, and flavoring agents. This study aims to determine the effect of the difference in the exposure time of electric cigarette smoke on histopathological images of the lungs of mice (Mus musculus).
An Overview of Anxiety Levels in Pregnant Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nova Elok Mardliyana, Irma Maya Puspita, Awwalul Wiladatil Qodliyah, Yuanita Wulandari
Pregnant women often experience anxiety because hormonal changes affect physical and psychological changes during pregnancy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women are worried about regular checkups during pregnancy in the health services because they are afraid of being exposed to the virus, especially in cities or regions with social restrictions. This study aims to describe the anxiety levels in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Surabaya.
Somatosensory Stimulation of The Foot Versus Tai Chi to Improve Dynamic Balance in The Elderly. Khabib Abdullah, Atik Swandari, Anastasia Putu Mharta Anggarani, Siti Aisyah
Indonesia enters the aging population period with an increasing prevalence of fall injuries. One way to deal with this issue is to improve the balance in the elderly. Two exercises that were recognized improved balance in the elderly are somatosensory stimulation of the foot and Tai Chi. But no one has compared both exercises in improving the balance of the elderly. This study aimed to compare somatosensory stimulation of the foot and Tai Chi exercise in improving dynamic balance in the elderly.
Psychoeducation with The Small Group Discussion Approach Increases Knowledge of Parents in Caring for Children with Autism and Aggressive Behavior. Reliani Reliani, Nugroho Ari Wibowo, Zaimatun Zuhroh, Ade Susanty, Chlara Yunita Prabawati
Aggressive behavior in autistic children impacts the difficulties in taking care of the children related to parents’ literacy limitations. Previous evidence showed that psychoeducation improved the ability of parents to care for autistic children. However, there is a limiting use in the small group discussion (SDG) approach. This paper investigates the impact of psychoeducation with a small group discussion (SGD) approach on parents’ knowledge in caring for children with Autism and Aggressive Behavior.
The Effect of Yophytta Exercise for Shortening the Second Stage of Labour in Primigravidas. Supatmi Supatmi, Intan Permatasari, Fathiya Luthfil Yumni, Aryunani Aryunani
The prolonged labor in the second stage has a dangerous effect on the fetus and mother. Yophytta exercise trains to regulate the breath during labor. In addition, the muscles are more elastic, which also makes it easier to deliver the baby process. The purpose of this study aims to investigate the effect of yophytta exercise on shortening the second stage of labor in primigravidas.
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activities using DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazine) assay of Averrhoa bilimbi L. growing in Indonesia. Ria Hanistya, Fuad Muzakky, Subhan Rullyansyah, Karima Samlan, Rahma Widiastuti
To investigate Averrhoa bilimbi L. growing in Indonesia by phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activities using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine (DPPH) test. Methods: extraction was carried out by sequential maceration with n-hexane, chloroform, and methanol as solvent. Meanwhile, phytochemical analysis was carried out by various chemical tests that have been investigated in different in vitro methods. Furthermore, its antioxidant activity was assessed by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine (DPPH) test.
Anxiety and Behavior of Breastfeeding Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Surabaya Indonesia. Fulatul Anifah, Syuhrotut Taufiqoh, Umi Ma’rifah, Supatmi Supatmi
The COVID-19 pandemic has already hit almost all countries in the world. Diseases that are transmitted very quickly and often show no symptoms make some people feel scared and anxious. Nursing mothers are one of the vulnerable groups and a pandemic can cause confusion when it comes to breastfeeding infants. The anxiety that occurs in nursing mothers will interfere with the process of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship of anxiety to breastfeeding behavior in nursing mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Education, Income and Parenting Patterns in relation to Toddler Temper Tantrum Incidents and Parents Using Smartphones. Pipit Festi Wiliyanarti, Priska Indah Riswanti, Reliani Reliani, Erfan Rofiqi, Annisa’ Wigati Rozifa
Developmental disorders for toddlers are still a health problem today. Temper tantrums are an expression of extreme frustration that is described through the behavior of crying, shouting, and slamming things. Many factors can influence this condition, one of which is the background that the parents have. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education, income, parenting patterns, and the incidence of toddler temper tantrums for parents who are active smartphone users.
Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of Red Ginger Extracts on Aphrodisiac Activity. Subhan Rullyansyah, Fuad Muzakky, Karima Samlan, Ria Hanistya, Ellies Tunjung Sari Maulidiyanti
One of the breeding processes is influenced by reproduction factors. Herbal therapy can relieve male infertility, such as red ginger. This study aimed to determine the effect of red ginger extract on aphrodisiac activity. Methods: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of red ginger extract on aphrodisiac activity in Wistar rats. Twenty-five male Wistar rats and fifteen two-month-old females weighing 150-200 g were purchased and placed in cages at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya.
Analysis of Albumin Levels in Cork and Eel Fish Using the Spectrophotometry Method. Siti Mardiyah, Olifia Mei Wulandari, Puspitasari Puspitasari, Nur Vita Purwaningsih , Etik Wahyuningsih
Protein albumin in the wound healing process is very important to stimulate the formation of new cell tissue damaged during surgery. One way is by giving Human Serum Albumin (HSA). However, the price for this is expensive. The wound healing process can be stimulated by providing alternative albumin from cork fish and utilizing albumin from eels. The purpose of this study was to compare the albumin levels in cork and eel fish.
The Effect of Giving a Hot Pack to Grade Shivering in Post-Operative Patients Following a Cesarian Section in the Recovery Room. Nur Mukarromah, Yuanita Wulandari, Rheyma Sinar, Eni Sumarliyah
Shivering is a complication that often results from spinal anesthesia due to postoperative hypothermia. Risk factors for shivering include age, the length of the operation, the operating room temperature, type of anesthesia, and having a low body mass index. One way to reduce shivering is by giving hot packs with a temperature <36 oC. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hot packs in response to shivering in post-cesarean section surgery patients.
Parental Support for The Independence of Mental Retardation Children. Aries Chandra Ananditha, Reliani Reliani, Imroatus Sholichah, Uswatun Hasanah
The majority of children with mental retardation show an effect on the difficulties of their independence level of Activity Daily Living (ADL). Previous evidence shows that parental support is an essential source of social support. Parents’ active role and support determine the child’s development in their daily life skills. This study aims to analyze the relationship between parental support and children’s independence with mental retardation children in their ADL.
The Food Intake Pattern in Relation to the Nutritional Status of School Age 6-12-Year-Old in Muhammadiyah Orphanage. Gita Marini, Eri Herawati Susanti, Suyatno Hadi Saputro, Reliani Reliani, Anis Rosyiatul Husna
School-age children have a very high risk of experiencing a nutritional problem during their development, consisting of an imbalance between their body mass index and the state of malnutrition due to their nutritional intake. The parenting at Muhammadiyah Orphanage is related to the nutritional status of the children managed in the group. This parenting status causes less attention to be paid to the children’s nutrition. This study aims to identify the food intake pattern in relation to the food delivery and nutritional status of school-aged children (6-12 years) in the Muhammadiyah Orphanage house setting.
Cultural Care Analysis of Scabies Disease Based on the Sunrise Theory of the Leininger Model. Nur Mukarromah, Achmad Zakaria, Daroini Daroini, Retno Sumara
Scabies are various kinds of skin diseases that often occur in society. Groups at risk of scabies are people who do activities together at the same time and place and pay less attention to personal and environmental hygiene. One of the risk groups is students in an internship, with the incidence of scabies in the last three years recorded at 91.1% of the 374 students who live in internship “X” Ponorogo Regency. This study aimed to analyze cultural care in scabies disease based on the theory of Sunrise Model Leininger.
Maternal Health Literacy Affects COVID-19 Preventive Behavior in Surabaya, Indonesia. Supatmi Supatmi, Fathiya Lutfil Yumni, Jefri Ali Saiful, Erfan Rofiqi, Septian Galuh Winata
There is some evidence that people equipped with health literacy skills can help them navigate the health system and various disease prevention decisions and management decisions. It is paramount to implement infection (COVID-19) prevention. Mothers are considered the axes of family structure. They have a role in raising, educating children, caring for the house, and maintaining family members’ health. This study analyses the correlation between maternal health literacy (MHC) and COVID-19 preventive behavior (CPB) in Surabaya, Indonesia.
The Relationship between Gender, Education Level, and Age on Work Stress Public High School Teachers in Indonesia. Andi Bungawati, Taqwin Taqwin
Teaching is a challenging and difficult profession. Teaching is a high-stress job. This study aimed to determine work stress based on gender, age, and level of education in Palu City State Senior High School teachers.
Determinants of Developmental Delay in the First 5 Years of Children. Ayling Sanjaya, Suhartati Suhartati, Haryson Tondy Winoto, Anna Lewi Santoso, Inawati Inawati, Atik Sri Wulandari, Sukma Sahadewa, Meivy Isnoviana, Kartika Ishartadiati, Aina Intan, James Hadiputra Sunarpo
Developmental delay is quite common in children, but the detection of this disorder is still low. About 52.9 million children younger than five years were diagnosed with developmental delays worldwide. This study aimed to analyze the determinant of developmental delay in the first five years of children in Indonesia.
Increasing Adolescents’ Religiosity and Resilience through Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness. Meidiana Dwidiyanti, Diyan Yuli Wijayanti, Badrul Munif, Akhmad Yanuar Fahmi Pamungkas
Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, making it prone to various deviant behaviors due to dramatic bio-psycho-social and spiritual maturity changes. Islamic spiritual mindfulness is an effort to build self-awareness that drives an individual to do good deeds. This study aimed to determine the effects of Islamic spiritual mindfulness on increasing religiosity and resilience among Indonesian adolescents.
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among Office Workers about COVID-19 Prevention. Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Vega Tyas Pradani, Tri Pemiluwati, Nur Melizza, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo, Anggraini Dwi Kurnia
The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in office clusters makes the government implement health protocols that are useful to prevent exposure to COVID-19 while working. Health protocols are self-protection measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission. Health protocol measures include washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds. This study aimed to identify knowledge, attitudes, and preventive behaviors in office workers about preventing COVID-19.
Perceptions of Sanitation Hygiene Refill Drinking Water Depot in The Region of Indonesia. Endang Purnawati Rahayu, Herniwanti Herniwanti
Refill drinking water depots are in great demand in society because the price of drinking water is relatively lower. This condition showed that the drinking water quality in depot managers needs more attention. Sanitation hygiene of drinking water refill depots is considered to reduce the factors that cause contamination of drinking water. This study aimed to analyze the sanitation of refill drinking water depots.
The Correlation Between Health Care Access and Pregnancy Checkup with Choice of Birth Attendants. Hamimatus Zainiyah, Dwi Wahyuning Tiyas, M. Hasinuddin
An ideal place for childbirth is a health facility with adequate equipment and personnel ready to help at any time of labor complications. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between health care access and pregnancy check-up with a selection of birth attendants.
The Effect of Physical Activity on Symptoms of Depression in the Elderly in Indonesia: The Indonesian Family Life Survey Data Analysis. Jasrida Yunita, Nurlisis Nurlisis
Depression in the elderly is often considered a normal mental development and usually undetected, which causes unformed nursing. The lack of physical activity causes depression on one side. This study aimed to find out the relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in the elderly in Indonesia.
A Comparative Study of Loneliness in Older Adults Based on Place of Residence in Indonesia. Lita Lita, Abdurrahman Hamid, Riski Syntia Ayu
Loneliness remains a global problem facing older people, including in Indonesia. This study aimed to compare the loneliness in institutionalized older people and those at home with their families. Methods: A comparative study was conducted to analyze loneliness in the elderly using a cross-sectional approach. The simple random sampling techniques obtained 46 respondents for institutionalized older people and family environments.
Shifting in Community Response Regarding Emergency Condition in The Era of COVID-19 Pandemic. Maria Imaculata Ose, Fitriya Handayani, Ahmat Pujianto, Nurman Hidaya, Donny Tri Wahyudi
Emergency conditions occur anytime and anywhere. Thus, people need health facility services. However, within the COVID-19 pandemic, this is a problem for the community. Therefore, the focus of this research was on how the community responds in dealing with emergency conditions and health problems during a COVID-19 pandemic with limited.
Combination of Egg Tray Silencer and Progressive Relaxation to Overcome Community Auditory Disorders in Indonesian Noise Train Environments. Moch Maftuchul Huda, Soeharyo Hadisaputro, Suprihati Suprihati, Ari Suwondo
People who live near the edge of the railroad tracks cannot avoid environmental noise. Various efforts have been made to build a barrier between railroad crossings and residential areas and install silencers on locomotives. However. the environmental noise intensity is still above the normal threshold value (NAV 55dB).
Knowledge and Perception and Its Relationship with Preventive Behaviors of COVID-19 among Indonesian Nursing Students. Nur Melizza, Anggraini Dwi Kurnia, Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Aby Yazid Al Busthomy Rofi’I, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo
This pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for all health care systems worldwide and the first medical crisis in recent history to affect different populations, countries, and continents, which requires everyone to be alert and ready to face it. One of which is a nursing student, and health student, is one of the prospective medical workers who will later serve as the vanguard in handling COVID-19. This study aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge and Perception of COVID-19 prevention behavior.
The Effectiveness of Laughter Therapy by Using Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppets) Video Media to Reduce Elderly Anxiety During The COVID-19 Pandemic. Raja Fitrina Lestari, Eka Wisanti, Lilik Tri Rahayu
The elderly have the risk of physical and psychosocial disorders such as anxiety. Laughter therapy is an intervention that can be applied to reduce anxiety among the elderly. It is a non-pharmacological therapy that utilizes laughter to reduce the problem of physical and mental disorders. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of laughter therapy by using Wayang Kulit’s (Shadow Puppets)video to reduce elderly anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Experience of Physical and Mental Symptoms when Confirmed Positive COVID-19 among Community in Tarakan City, Indonesia. Ramdya Akbar Tukan, Eko Satriya Hermawan, Darni Darni, Hendy Lesmana, Dewi Wijayanti
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease that causes physical symptoms and psychological disorders in patients. The experience of people of Tarakan city who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 is not yet known. Meanwhile, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 continues to increase. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the physical and mental experiences of COVID-19 patients in Tarakan City.
Clinical Nursing Worksheet: Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standard-Based Assessment Form as An Online Learning Media of Nursing Clinical Practice. Trijati Puspita Lestari, Nurul Hikmatul Qowi, Sylvi Harmiardillah
Online learning was implemented as an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning clinical nursing practice to improve students’ skills is also implemented by online methods. This research aims to develop Clinical Nursing Worksheet learning media as an online learning tool for Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standard (SDKI)-based Nursing Clinical Practice during a pandemic.
Health Promotion of Families and Early Childhood Education Teachers in Improving Cognition, Commitment and Behavior to Prevent COVID-19 Transmission in Children. Ulva Noviana, M. Hasinuddin, Heni Ekawati
Introduction: Indonesia was entering the COVID-19 emergency response period, as indicated by the increase in COVID-19 cases and the risk of transmission in high-risk groups, one of which is children. The increase in COVID-19 cases has not been followed by compliance with COVID-19 transmission prevention behavior in the community, especially among children.
The Effectiveness of Hypnobreast feeding Massage on Anxiety and Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers. Yurike Septianingrum, Nety Mawarda Hatmanti, Andikawati Fitriasari, Lono Wijayanti, Nunik Purwanti
Low milk production on the first day after delivery causes the mother to experience anxiety, which increases the hormone cortisol. When the hormone cortisol level is high, milk production will be hampered, resulting in an early stop of the breastfeeding process. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of Hypno-breastfeeding massage on anxiety and milk production in postpartum mothers at the Public Health Center.
Mother’s Independence in Stimulation of Growth and Development of Children During the COVID-19 pandemic. Ririn Probowati, Mamik Ratnawati, Monika Sawitri Prihatini, Heri Wibowo, Septi Fitrah Ningtyas
During the pandemic due to COVID-19, health services at the Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) were not running optimally due to government regulations that recommended social movement restrictions. It causes the monitoring of the health of children under five at Posyandu cannot be carried out. This study aimed to determine the independence of mothers in stimulating the growth and development of toddlers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Knowledge of COVID-19 and Compliance in Preventing the Diseases on Nursing Students in Indonesia. Alfianur Alfianur
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a disease with respiratory tract infection symptoms experienced by almost all countries worldwide. The government has conveyed the prevention of this disease many times. However, the success of prevention depends on the discipline and compliance of the community in carrying out the government’s appeal. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge with adherence to COVID-19 prevention.